Who We Are at Pushchair Walks- www.pushchairwalks.co.uk

This website has been inspired by two like minded mums with a passion for the outdoors, far too much time to fill and some bored kids to entertain. After writing numerous guide books for pushchair walkers they’ve now tried to enable a wider audience to share their experiences with this website.

Bec Terry (age 35) is the mother of two boys (Jamie and Sam) and lives near Ilkley, Yorkshire. Originally from a family of farmers near Worcester, she gained interest in the outdoors from diving, caving and walking. After a degree from Plymouth University and a PhD in Parasitology from Leeds University, she worked as a biologist until the kids arrived. She is married to Phil, which makes this a very difficult sentence to conclude. When she is not out in the wilds with the two boys she enjoys the homely life of gardening, cooking and slug collecting.

Zoe Sayer (age 36) was dragged up in the Yorkshire town of Pickering with her two siblings and has enjoyed walking from an early age. In her late teens her family emigrated to Switzerland where her parents still live but Zoe, after short periods in an idyllic area of the Alps, stayed in the UK to study geology at Imperial College, London and gained a PhD in rock bashing from Durham. She then moved to Snowdonia to work as a geological consultant after which she decided playing with toy cars was more fun.

She still lives in the area and her enthusiasm for the outdoors is not diminished by having her two children, Rhodri and Rhiannon, in tow. When not out walking she enjoys bassoon playing, badgering her long term partner Keith and smashing the house up with a wok.

The co-conspirators Phil and Keith are two beardy, beery blokes who when they aren’t pushing prams are down the pub and when they are pushing prams are wishing they were down the pub.